Younes Fizazi
Younes Fizazi est né en 1978 à Paris, aujourd’hui il vit et travaille à Rabat.
Après une formation supérieure en communication, il a travaillé durant plus de dix ans en agence de publicité avant de faire de sa passion son métier. Son amour de la photographie a débuté autour du surf et de la découverte des grands spots de la planète. La prise de photographie qui devait agrémenter la mémoire de ses aventures est devenue progressivement le centre de son intérêt. Mer, terre et paysages ont d’abord hanté ses premiers clichés.
Aujourd’hui le voyage et l'humain sont au centre de sa création et ses principales sources inspirations. Présent dans de nombreux ouvrages traitant de thématiques diverses, il expose son travail au Maroc et en Europe.
Younes Fizazi was born in 1978 in Paris. Today he lives and works in Rabat.
After a higher education in communication, he worked for more than ten years in an advertising agency before turning his passion to his job. His love of photography began around surfing and discovering great spots on our planet. The process of taking photographs was to embellish the memory of his adventures and gradually became the center of his interest. Sea, land and landscapes haunted his first shots.
Today, travel and people are at the center of her creation and his main sources of inspiration. Present in many books dealing with various themes, he exhibits his work in Morocco and Europe.