Né en 1983 à Marrakech, où il vit et travaille .
Passionné de photographie et de cinéma depuis son plus jeune âge , il commence très tôt à faire des portraits de son entourage. Après ses études secondaires, il pose ses bagages en Italie où il restera plus de 7ans. Il s’y formera en architecture à la faculté de Rome tout en affinant son oeil de photographe et sa passion pour le cinéma. Son diplôme en poche, il s’envole au Etats -Unis pour une formation entre Los Angeles et New York dans une école de cinéma, formation qu’il poursuivra pendant deux ans à Prague avant de décrocher son diplôme. Il participera à des projets de film en tant que réalisateur, scénariste ou directeur de la photographie .
En 2010, il retourne au Maroc où il travaille sur de nombreux projets personnels, dans la photographie, la vidéo ou le cinéma.
Il participe à de nombreuses expositions individuelles ou collectives au Maroc, en Europe ou au Canada.
Othman fait egalement partie d’un collectif de 3 artistes qui s’appelle Zbel Manifesto, ensembles, il utilisent comme matiére première des dechets pour realiser des installations, en occupant de grands espaces. Leurs thémes de predilection sont la sociéte de consommation et la transmutation de la matière.
Born in 1983 in Marrakech, where he lives and works.
Passionate about photography and cinema from an early age, he began to make portraits of those around him very early. After his secondary school studies, he took his luggage to Italy where he remained for more than seven years. He trained there in architecture at the faculty of Rome while refining his eye as a photographer and his passion for cinema. With his diploma in hand, he flew to the United States for training between Los Angeles and New York in a film school, a training he continued for two years in Prague before obtaining his diploma. He participated in film projects as a director, screenwriter or cinematographer.
In 2010, he returned to Morocco where he worked on many personal projects, in photography, video or cinema.
He participated in many solo and collective exhibitions in Morocco, Europe and Canada.
Othman is also part of a collective of 3 artists called Zbel Manifesto, together, he uses waste as raw material to create installations, occupying large spaces. Their favorite themes are the consumer society and the transmutation of matter.
Othman is also part of a collective made up of three artists called Zbel Manifesto, together, they use waste as raw material to create installations, occupying large spaces. Their favorite themes are the consumer society and the transmutation of matter.