Né à Paris en 1981, Alexandre Chaplier est un photographe français basé au Maroc. Son travail s’attache aussi bien à travers le noir et blanc que
la couleur à capturer des atmosphères. Depuis 2015, il entreprend un travail graphique composé de clichés de rue qui tente de saisir un Maroc tantôt en mouvement tantôt figé dans le passé.
Si c’est à l’adolescence qu’il s’initie à la photographie, c’est lors de son cursus à l’école Penninghen qu’il confirme réellement sa passion. Il réalise différentes séries consacrées à l’humain et saisit notamment des clichés lors de rassemblements publics à Paris. Après un périple en Inde, il s’installe au Maroc en 2009 et décide d’y ouvrir son agence. Familier des commandes pour l’hôtellerie de luxe, la création design et l’édition, projets qu’il mène de front avec sa recherche personnelle.
Aujourd’hui, ses travaux graphiques sont présentés dans différentes expositions collectives et festivals.
Born in Paris in 1981, Alexandre Chaplier is a French photographer based in Morocco. His work is in black and white as color to capture atmospheres. Since 2015, he has been undertaking graphic work composed of street shots that attempt to capture a Morocco sometimes in motion, sometimes frozen in the past.
It was as a teenager he was introduced to photography during his studies at the Penninghen School that he really confirmed his passion. He produced various series devoted to the human being and notably took pictures during public gatherings in Paris. After a trip to India, he moved to Morocco in 2009 and decided to open his agency there. His work consists of orders for the luxury hotel industry, design creation and publishing and projects that he leads alongside his personal research.
Today, his graphic works are presented in various group exhibitions and festivals.